We need prizes to get the Free To Be Campaign into the Consumer Space


If you’re on Insta, you’ll likely have noticed the reels we have been posting for #FreeToBeSouthAfrica off the photos and videos that have been uploaded to the Digital Asset Hub.

The campaign is simmering and now is the time to get it to sizzle. Our aim is to do this through the

Reel Hero Competition…

End November, SATSA will be launching its Reel Hero competition to inspire and encourage consumers to share their #FreeToBeSouthAfrica Reels on Instagram and TikTok.

But we need your help!

We need prizes of all shapes and sizes for our winners. Brands will be recognised on social media, in our newsletter and on our website as a partner of the #FreeTobeSouthAfrica campaign.

Have a prize?

Send us an email: freetobe@bigambitions.co.za

Lastly, a reminder of the resources available which can be shared with your chapter members and contacts:

As always, we are at your disposal to assist with any questions you may have so that we can take this from “whisper” to “shout out loud”!

The email address: freetobe@bigambitions.co.za.

The hashtag: #freetobesouthafrica