Complaint Process

It is in the interest of the association, all members of the association, their employers, and its employees to maintain a complaint procedure focused on resolving matters of dissatisfaction. The intention is that complaints must be resolved as speedily as possible and as close as possible to the source of origin.

A complaint for the purposes of this procedure is any dissatisfaction related to any relevant area of intended operations or interests of the association, its employees and its members which is formally brought to the attention of the association’s management.

There will be no victimisation of, or prejudicial action against, any individual using this procedure.

No alternative action shall be taken by either the member or the association until all stages of the procedure have been completed or a "failure to agree" is finally recorded.

It should be the intention of all parties to attempt to resolve all complaints amicably "in-house".

Stages of the Procedure

Stage 1 – Notification and Investigation:

  • Notice of any complaint must be communicated, as per the prescribed form, with the association (link to attached form)
  • On receipt of the completed complaint form, the relevant SATSA staff member will commence an investigation and, depending on the seriousness of the issue, notify or hand it over to SATSA’s Membership and/or MANCO Committee
  • SATSA will endeavour to find a resolution to the issue (according to our Code of Conduct and Memorandum of Incorporation), consulting with other members of management or the board, requesting further information or convening meetings with members as deemed necessary (link to updated CoC page above and MOI page as is)


Stage 2 – Resolution and Communication:

  • Should the issue not be resolved immediately, SATSA, having considered all aspects of the complaint and the evidence surrounding it, will make a finding about the appropriate resolution and action that should be taken, if any
  • SATSA will provide the complainant with the written resolution as soon as possible, after which should the complainant not be satisfied with the outcome, or the outcome is recorded as “failure to agree”, the complainant may pursue relief with regard to the complaint from the appropriate authorities