Have your say | Self-Regulation in the Adventure Tourism Industry


SATSA has taken the first steps towards self-regulation in the adventure tourism industry with the drafting of 3 important documents now requiring public comment.

We would be grateful to any adventure operators – members or non-members of SATSA – for their feedback on the following draft documents:

Survey feedback

Please submit your feedback via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5VT6887

In-person feedback

Adventure tourism operators also have an opportunity to submit their feedback in person at:

Virtual focus group feedback

Should you wish to provide more in-depth feedback, SATSA will be hosting a focus group with breakout sessions on 25th May 09h30 to 11h00.

To register your attendance, click here.

For more information about SATSA’s Adventure Tourism Chapter and its initiatives, visit: www.satsa.com/adventure-tourism